E-Z Retail Partner Features

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Retail Partner Feature: Smith Point Marina

Retail Partner Feature: Smith Point Marina

March 16, 2020

Smith Point Marina is close to several guest houses and the popular Chesapeake Bay sportfishing hotel, The Bay Motel. Additionally, the marina has several partners who contribute to the conservation of the marina and its population and tourism, including Northumberland YMCA, Smith Point Sea Rescue, the Ches Bay Foundation and Reedville Fishermen’s Museum. Their website has a plethora of additional information concerning lodging, charter boats and weather reports as well as additional services and products for sale. Guests can click on the homepage to view maps...
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Retail Partner Feature: Dewey's Cook Inlet

Retail Partner Feature: Dewey's Cook Inlet

February 20, 2020

The company’s hard-working team has contributed in making Dewey’s the largest marine retailer in Alaska through marketing efforts and regular attendance at the annual Great Alaska Boat Show in April. Notable services offered by Dewey’s include great customer service, resulting in ...
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